Thursday, December 13, 2012

Call for Papers: CASMI proceedings

The special issue will contain a summary where Emma and Steffen give details about the challenge compounds, the evaluation measures and comment on the submissions.

But the main content will be your articles about your participation: we are really interested in descriptions of how you actually tackled the challenges, which steps were automagic and, if necessary, where manual intervention was required.

If your approach was published previously, please focus on what is relevant for the CASMI challenges, and improvements that have been made since the last publication. All articles will be peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers from the community. There is no actual page limit, but the reviews will check that the length is adequate.

We ask you to send us your intent to submit an article to the special issue (including a preliminary title and author list), before heading into the holiday season.

Note that there is an Early-Bird-Bonus: MDPI will waive the article processing charges if you send us a reply with your submission intent by the end of this year! For articles announced after 01.01.2013 it will be the regular 300 CHF charge for the Metabolites journal.

For more details on the special issue see the journal's pages at MDPI. Please visit the Instructions for Authors before submitting a manuscript. Manuscripts should be submitted through the online manuscript submission and editorial system.

Important Dates for the proceedings:
31.03.2013    Submission deadline for full papers in the journal Metabolites.
31.12.2012    Last day of early-bird article pre-registration

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